Theo Danlambao - 
One of the most famous prisoners of conscience in Vietnam: blogger with the nick "Điếu Cày" Nguyễn Văn Hải. He had been imprisoned by the Vietnamese communist government and has just been forced to leave the country to live in exile in the US.
On 21/10/2014, blogger Nguyển Văn Hải -Điếu Cày- the founder of The (Vietnamese) Free Journalist Club was greeted by hundreds of Vietnamese communist refugees as a hero when he arrived at LA airport and set foot in the US. After a few days resting to recoup and to sort out some personal matters. Mr Điếu Cày gave an interview conducted by a member of Dan Lam Bao Internet News to retrace the path he had gone through and also share his goals in the struggle against the Vietnamese communists in the coming days.