NgocAnhLe - Respond to the appeal, recently on Sunday 6/3/2016 the representative of the Vietnamese Community Brisbane together with the Queensland Multicultural Council Inc. (QMC) coming to Queen street Mall Brisbane to raise fund for Victims of Winston Cyclone in FIJI.
Cyclone Winston tears through Fiji
On Saturday 20 February 2016, Cyclone Winston — a powerful Category 5 storm — passed through the Fiji Islands. While the extent of the damage is still unfolding, Cyclone Winston was generating devastating wind speeds of up to 325kph.
Communities in the direct path of Cyclone Winston have experienced catastrophic damage. At least 43 people have died and entire villages have been destroyed. More than 53,000 people are sheltering in evacuation centres around the country.
The people of Fiji now face the threat of disease. Access to clean water is essential for the prevention of waterborne disease after a disaster.
Please donate today to help the people of Fiji.

Cyclone Winston hit Fiji with more than 300kmh winds on February 20, killing at least 43 people and leaving tens of thousand of people homeless.
Recent reports have suggested that more than 55,000 people are still sheltering at evacuation centres in Fiji, with the actual number of people requiring assistance estimated at more than 120,000.
Brisbane Fijian Seventh Day Adventist Church cyclone relief secretary Roger Mattner said authorities were beginning to find more victims as they accessed the islands that had been cut off.
"The outer islands are among the worst affected," Mr Mattner said.
"The Lomaiviti Group, which has about seven main islands, is one of those.
"Koro has been totally evacuated due to the disease risk.
"I had the chance to speak to two of my uncles and they are saying that because Fiji lives off subsistence farming and all the crops have been destroyed, food is going to be a big issue.
"Clothing is also a problem, because most people escaped with the clothes on their backs."
A collection of photographs Mr Mattner sent to the QT go some way to show the devastation that the cyclone caused.
There are now about 1000 Australian Defence Personnel in the country as part of the international relief effort.
Mr Mattner is calling on the generosity of Ipswich residents to donate to the Brisbane Fijian SDA Church's cause.
"I guess many people do not realize the extent of damage Tropical Cyclone Winston brought upon Fiji recently - these pictures are just a little glimpse of the havoc it created," he said.
The organisation is arranging for a 20-foot container of cyclone relief items to be sent to Fiji and will welcome donations towards the effort.
To assist, contact Mr Mattner on 0437 856 202 or email
Bank account details for money donations are CUA, Brisbane Fijian SDA Church, BSB: 814-282; Acc no: 30619293; reference: name of donator, cyclone relief.